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Editions from the 1960s

1960 Fourth Edition (First Impression)



Publication Date

8th November 1960



Price New 10/6


October 1960, Earl of Iveagh


Compilers (N. D. and A. R. McWhirter)



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "The Animal Kingdom", "The Natural World", "The Universe", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainment", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations Colour frontispiece, 28 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

Park Royal Brewery, London, N.W.10


Staples Printers Limited

(Incorporating F. Howard Doulton)

at their Stratford, London, establishment

  1. Some copies were printed with no gold text/logo on the front.

  2. Frontispiece illustration changed to "Man's Progressive Approach to the Poles".

  3. The final part of the permissions statement on the copyright page changed from, "who may quote brief passages" to, "who is welcome to quote brief passages".

  4. First edition to have the signatures of Norris and Ross McWhirter on the Preface page.

  5. The address of Guinness Superlatives on the preface page changed to:

    22 Chancery Lane,

    London, W.C.2,


  6. The preface says, "over 500,000 copies of the Guinness Book have been published".

  7. "The Arts and Entertainment" section added. "Accidents and Disasters" moved to a single table in the "Human Achievements" section. On the Contents page, the page number for this new table is incorrect.

  8. The list of illustrations has been removed.

  9. As with the previous edition, significant members of the production team are acknowledged: Miss Rosemary Mendus (later Rosemary Bevan, "our most able secretary") and Miss J. E. S. Blair (Judith Blair, her replacement).

  10. Modifications to five pages in the late additions and amendments on page 277, together with a list of new records equalled or improved at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome.

  11. We have an advert for the book from page 22 of the November issue of World Sports magazine:

  1. We have a copy with a compliments note in suspiciously familiar handwriting:

  1. Michael Dorfling has a copy with details of the Victor Kent group of companies opposite the title page:

  1. We know of a copy with a compliments slip from Guinness Nigeria:

  1. Norris McWhirter's personal copy of this edition (marked by him as "Home - File Copy") contains his corrections and annotations, many of which appeared in the next edition in 1961 (and later editions). One of the annotations is Norris's record of Gagarin's first flight, which appears as an insert in the 1961 edition. A page from this unique copy is shown below:


1961 Fourth Edition (Second Impression)



Publication Date

April 1961



Price New 10/6


March 1961, Earl of Iveagh


Compilers (N. D. and A. R. McWhirter)



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "The Animal Kingdom", "The Natural World", "The Universe", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainment", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations Colour frontispiece, 28 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

22 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2


Staples Printers Limited

(Incorporating F. Howard Doulton)

at their Stratford, London, establishment

  1. The dust-jacket says, "Fully Revised Edition 1961".

  2. A small paper insert (between the frontispiece and title page) describes Gagarin's orbit of the Earth, and the altitude and speed records that had been broken.

  3. The address of Guinness Superlatives on the title page changed to:

    22 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2

  4. This edition marks the first appearance of a list of editions on the copyright page.

  5. Peter B. Page, Esq. (the London office manager) and E. C. (Ted) Henniker, Esq. are noted in the amended acknowledgements section.

  6. Modifications to twenty-five pages in the late additions and amendments on page 277.

  7. Some changes to the critics' quotes on the rear dust-jacket flap (probably in earlier editions as well):

    1. Three new quotes from New York publications

    2. One new quote from a South African publication

    3. One new quote from "A B.B.C. Librarian"

    4. Possibly the first mention of, "According to the Guinness Book of Records ..."

    5. Two older quotes removed, including, "This enchanting book sets up a record of its own". Perhaps that was deemed to be untrue in 1960.


1962 Tenth Edition



Publication Date

November 1962



Price New 12/6


October 1962, Viscount Elveden


Compilers (N. D. and A. R. McWhirter)



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "The Animal Kingdom", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainment", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations Colour frontispiece, 28 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

Park Royal Brewery, London, N.W.10


Staples Printers Limited

(Incorporating F. Howard Doulton)

at their Stratford, London, establishment

  1. Laminated copies are also available.

  2. Frontispiece illustration changed to "The World's Most Expensive Painting".

  3. The address of Guinness Superlatives on the title page changed back to:

    Park Royal Brewery, London, N.W.10

  4. This edition notes that, "In keeping with the standardization sought by the Booksellers' Association, the Librarians' Association and the Publishers' Association, it has been decided to designate earlier editions thus:". The editions list then refers to the First edition to the Tenth Edition, rather than the edition/impression designations used previously.

  5. A new Foreword written for this edition.

  6. "The Universe" section renamed "The Universe and Space".

  7. This edition has a separate section in the acknowledgements to thank the production team: Mrs. Barbara Anderson (née Robinson, "the fastest at typing"), Mrs. Rosemary Bevan ("our most able secretary"), Miss Judith Blair (her replacement), Miss Anne Boulter, Miss Trudy Doyle ("the most indefatigable"), E. C. (Ted) Henniker, Esq., R. E. Marler, Esq., Mrs Margaret Orr-Deas (née Kierulf), Peter B. Page, Esq. (the London office manager) and Andrew Thomas Esq. ("who must surely rank as the person more conversant with the intricacies of the United Nations Statistical Annuals and Demographic Year Books than any other Briton"). 

  8. Modifications to thirty-six pages in the late additions and amendments on page 292.

  9. A change to the critics' quotes on the rear dust-jacket flap:

    1. One quote removed

    2. One new quote from "A B.B.C. Librarian"

  10. We also know of a copy with a large presentation sticker (right), presumably from the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.


1964 Eleventh Edition



Publication Date

November 1964


Light Blue

Price New 12/6


October 1964, Viscount Elveden


October 1964, Compilers (N. D. and A. R. McWhirter)



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "The Animal Kingdom", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainment", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations 28 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

8, Baker Street, London, W.1


Staples Printers Limited

at their Stratford, London, establishment

  1. Boxed copies were (probably) given to Guinness employees.

  2. The dust-jacket says, "Including Records in Tokio Olympics".

  3. Text removed from the front dust-jacket flap.

  4. No frontispiece illustration.

  5. The address of Guinness Superlatives on the title page changed to:

    8, Baker Street, London, W.1

  6. Foreword says, "We have now produced over one million copies".

  7. The contents page now references "Late Additions and Amendments".

  8. This edition uses the acknowledgements section to thank additional members of the production team: Miss Christine Forsyth, Mrs Anne Symonds (née Boulter) and Miss Angela Wilkinson. 

  9. Changes to twelve pages caused by records set at the Tokyo Olympic Games are given on pages 305 and 306.

  10. Changes to two pages caused by the UK General Election of 1964 are given on page 306.

  11. Modifications to fifty-nine pages in the late additions and amendments on pages 307 and 316.

  12. Critics' quotes removed from the rear dust-jacket flap.


1965 Twelfth Edition



Publication Date

November 1965 Note 3



Price New 15/-


October 1965, Viscount Elveden


October 1965, Compilers (N. D. and A. R. McWhirter)



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "Animal and Plant Kingdoms", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainments", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations 28 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

8, Baker Street, London, W.1


Staples Printers Limited

at their Stratford, London, establishment

  1. Boxed copies were (probably) given to Guinness employees and others:

(Photo: Bruce Read)

  1. Title page now says, "Compiled by Norris and Ross McWhirter".

  2. The editions list gives the publication date as "October 1965". The 12th and subsequent editions give it as "November 1965".

  3. Foreword says, "We have now produced well over one million copies".

  4. The preface says, "It is the first time since 1956 that a new edition has appeared at an interval of only twelve months after its predecessor. Such is the pace of modern record breaking that annual production may well become our rule".

  5. The preface says, "The co-compilers wish to pay special tribute to the researches of their colleague Andrew Thomas".

  6. "The Animal Kingdom" section renamed "Animal and Plant Kingdoms".

  7. "The Arts and Entertainment" section renamed "The Arts and Entertainments".

  8. The acknowledgements section thanks more members of the production team: Miss Winifred (Winnie) Ashe, Mrs Angela Hoaen and Miss Jane Parker. 

  9. Modifications to seventy-eight pages in the late additions and amendments on pages 323 to 325.

  10. Photographic acknowledgements re-introduced on page 326.


1966 Thirteenth Edition



Publication Date

October 1966



Price New 15/-


October 1966, Viscount Elveden


October 1966, Compilers



Parts 12 ("The Human Being", "Animal and Plant Kingdoms", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Human World", "The Arts and Entertainments", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Illustrations 2 colour plates, 20 black and white plates
Dimensions Crown Quarto 10x7½ inches (254x191 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

8, Baker Street, London, W.1


Billing & Sons Limited of Guildford, Surrey

for Redwood Press Trowbridge Wiltshire.

  1. Title page now says, "Norris and Ross McWhirter".

  2. The printer changes for the first time to Redwood Press, which had been founded by the McWhirters, with Gordon Nutbrown as Managing Director. For this edition, printing was sub-contracted to Billing and Sons in Guildford. The official opening of the print works in Trowbridge was on 8th February 1967 and within 4 years it was printing one in every nine titles published in Britain.

  3. Note on copyright page says, "Forthcoming editions in the Japanese and Danish languages will be available during 1967".

  4. Foreword says, "We have now produced over 1,500,000 copies".

  5. The preface says, "Most prominent in assisting in this work has been Mr. G. L. Wood".

  6. The preface says, "We are much indebted to Mr. Pierre Couderc of California for his researches".

  7. First edition with colour plates (other than for the frontispiece).

  8. More members of the production team are acknowledged: Miss Hillary Tippett and Miss Diana Wilford. 

  9. Modifications to forty-one pages in the late additions and amendments on page 334.

  10. The compliments slip below comes from a copy sent to Henry Button.

  11. We also have a printer's proof (or publisher's proof) copy (pictured right), which is simply bound in pale blue/grey boards. The text appears to be identical to the published edition, but the proof copy has no photo plates.


1967 Fourteenth Edition



Publication Date

26th October 1967



Price New 15/-
SBN 900424 00 1


October 1967, Viscount Elveden


October 1967, Compilers



Chapters 12 ("The Human Being", "Animal and Plant Kingdoms", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Arts and Entertainments", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "The Human World", "Human Achievements" and "Sport, Games and Pastimes")
Dimensions 10x7 inches (254x178 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

24, Upper Brook Street, London, W.1


Redwood Press of Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

  1. A laminated copy is known.

  2. Our copy has a compliments slip from "M.C.M. Pumphrey, Arthur Guinness Son and Co. (Park Royal) Ltd. Royal Building, St. Andrews Cross, Plymouth".

  1. We also have an original copy of the Notes for Reviewers which accompanied preview copies of this edition.


The notes begin:

This book has been completely revised and reset. It has been increased to 352 pages and there are more than 110 illustrations, all of which are new.

Since more that 125,000 copies have already been subscribed by the book trade, it is anticipated that this title must go straight to the top of the list of best-sellers.

The book has appeared in French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. More than 2,500,000 copies have been sold in all editions throughout the world since the book first appeared in 1955.

  1. Title page now says, "Editors and Compilers Norris and Ross McWhirter" and "Associate Editor and Compiler Andrew Thomas".

  2. The address of Guinness Superlatives on the title page changed to:

    24, Upper Brook Street, London, W.1

  3. Copyright page now lists "overseas" editions.

  4. Note on copyright page says, "An edition in Norwegian is also being published in 1968".

  5. This edition notes that typesetting is by "Moorgate Typesetting Co. Ltd., 20 Brixton Road, London, S.W.9".

  6. Foreword says, "We have now produced nearly 2,500,000 copies".

  7. Page facing the contents page is, "Evolution of Records in the 20th Century".

  8. Parts now called Chapters.

  9. "The Human World" moved after "The Mechanical World".

  10. Colour and black-and-white illustrations now part of the text (first edition with colour lithography).

  11. The acknowledgements section thanks more members of the production team: Harold C. Harlow, Esq., Gordon M. Nutbrown (Redwood Press), John Rivers, Esq., Miss Wendy Shore, Mrs. Judith Sleath and Miss Diana Wilford. 

  12. Modification to fifty-three pages in the late additions and amendments.


1968 Fifteenth Edition



Publication Date

October 1968



Price New 17/6
SBN 900424 00 1


October 1968, Earl of Iveagh


October 1968, Compilers



Chapters 12 ("The Human Being", "Animal and Plant Kingdoms", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Arts and Entertainments", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "The Human World", "Human Achievements" and "Sports, Games and Pastimes")
Dimensions 10x7 inches (254x178 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

24, Upper Brook Street, London, W.1


Redwood Press of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England.

  1. Title page now says, "Editors and compilers Norris and Ross McWhirter".

  2. Foreword says, "We have now produced over 4,000,000 copies".

  3. Page facing the contents page is, "Progressive Human Altitude Records".

  4. "Sport, Games and Pastimes" renamed "Sports, Games and Pastimes".

  5. In accordance with the McWhirters' wishes, the acknowledgements section thanks more members of the production team: Mrs. Christine Bethlehem, Mrs Pamela Croome and Mlle Béatrice Frei. A special mention is given to Andrew Thomas (Associate Editor 1964-68).

  6. Modifications to forty-three pages in the late additions and amendments.


1969 Sixteenth Edition


16 and 16 (Revised)

Publication Date

October 1969 and November 1969


Cerise or Red

Price New 18/-
SBN 900424 01 X


October 1969, Earl of Iveagh


October 1969, Compilers



Chapters 12 ("The Human Being", "Animal and Plant Kingdoms", "The Natural World", "The Universe and Space", "The Scientific World", "The Arts and Entertainments", "The Business World", "The World's Structures", "The Mechanical World", "The Human World", "Human Achievements" and "Sports, Games and Pastimes")
Dimensions 10x7 inches (254x178 mm)
Copyright Guinness Superlatives Limited


Guinness Superlatives Limited

24, Upper Brook Street, London, W.1


Redwood Press of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England.

  1. "The Guinness Book of Records" on the spine is inverted compared to previous editions.

  2. The Guinness Harp logo on the front cover is replaced by the Superlatives logo.

  3. Page facing the contents page is, "Thirty Nine Steps to the Moon".

  4. The 250,000 dust-jackets for this edition (pictured with Norris and Ross McWhirter below) were printed in one day at Redwood Press in Trowbridge.

  5. Some copies say "(Revised - November 1969)" on the copyright page. These editions also omit the Guinness Superlatives logo from the title page.

  6. The acknowledgements section adds more members of the production team: David Hoy, Esq. (an auditor from Dunlop who joined the team in 1966) and Mrs Jane Mayo.

  7. Modifications to sixty-six pages in the late additions and amendments. Some editions have additional minor changes (the page number of the last amendment changes from 365 to 366).

  8. Inside covers now have "A Check List of the World's 266 Countries", but there are only 226 countries listed. Some copies have the correct count of 226 on the inside back cover. Oddly, all copies have the country count as 227 on page 197 (which is itself revised to 226 in the 17th edition).

  9. We have a signed copy with a compliments slip from Guinness Superlatives Ltd.:


  1. The vast majority of copies have cerise covers, but some have red covers.

There are six known variants of this edition:

  • Cerise cover with "266 countries" on the inside back cover

  • Cerise cover with "226 countries" on the inside back cover

  • Red cover with "266 countries" on the inside back cover

  • Red cover with "226 countries" on the inside back cover (and modified amendments section)

  • Red cover (Revised) with "266 countries" on the inside back cover

  • Red cover (Revised) with "226 countries" on the inside back cover (and modified amendments section)

No hardback copy with 226 on the front inside cover is known; the Christmas paperback revised special edition has the correct country count front and back (yet has the unmodified amendments section).


Quite what caused this confusion is not clear. We believe that although these editions were printed by Redwood Press in Trowbridge, they were probably shipped to Pitman Press (later Bath Press) in Bath for binding. Given the volume of books printed, there could well have been an overlap between the introduction of revised covers and revised contents.